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Hop on the JPlay After School van from select schools or let us help you arrange for a carpool. 


The JPlay After School van will pick your children up (from select schools) and bring them to our campus. Our plan is to have one of our certified staff greet your children and wait with them for the van to reach their elementary school. If your child attends a school we do not pick up from, we can help create carpools to facilitate your child's safe arrival. Children in the Early School of Temple B'nai Abraham will be escorted to JPlay After School.


We are currently planning on picking up from the following schools (as needed and based on enrollment). Should you wish to enroll in JPlay after School from a school that is not listed, please contact us at  Please be aware, transportation is for JPlay TBA students only. You may only be bussed on the days you are enrolled in JPlay.

Mount Pleasant Elementary

Mt Pleasant

River Hill Elementary

riker hill

Burnet Hill Elementary School

burnet hill

Harrison Elementary


Collins Elementary School


Hillside Elementary


We encourage children to stay for the whole time so they can enjoy the full JPlay experience. Parents may pick their child up at any time. Tuition cannot be prorated if children do not stay for the whole day.

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